— Our 3 principles

At Catchafish we are always open to possibilities and opportunities from an honest, positive mindset. But this is not effortless. Of course we have our principles. Our ultimate goal is to make everything around us better, including your brand. Because good is not always good enough. We do this according to our 3 principles, dear to our hearts.

Human. Together.

We are all humans. And for us, it means equality and showing respect. It also means we love to interact with our clients in a personal and transparant way. We find added value when we learn to know each other and discover the drive behind each person. Because everyone, little or big, has a story to tell. And we love to listen to it.

Challenge. Future.

We love to challenge the world as it is today. We really give a damn about people and our environment and we dare to swim against the tide to create change for a better world. That means sustainability is a hot topic that reflects in the way we work, in our behaviour and in how we deal with packaging designs. Because nothing changes if nothing changes.

Positive. Balance.

At Catchafish, we invest a lot in an inspiring workplace, a positive atmosphere and in a well-balanced way of working where people can unfold their talents and grow to the best version of themselves. We always do this with a big smile.

Of course, a party now and then helps ;-)

What we don’t Do!

We don’t do free pitching.

Creating strategies and creative ideas is what makes us stand out. We put a lot of energy and effort in doing so. Asking for free pitching is not respecting what we do day in day out. It undermines our hard work, makes it cheap and in the end, it’s not valuable for your business.

Be serious, no one goes to 3 different bakeries, asks each of them to bake a bread and then only pays for the bread that tastes best.

That does not mean we don’t pitch. We only ask for a fair fee to fire up our creativity. Or just give us a call and we’ll catch up to know how we can really help you in a valuable way.

We don’t do unethical sh*t.

The world needs responsible behaviour if we want to enjoy all its goodness. We believe that with our designs we can help our world and all living creatures who live on it for the better.

That’s why we are horrified to work for cases we don’t believe in. Projects that break with our values and the way we treat people. Which are harmful to who we stand for as a person, as a designer, as a mother or father, as someone who respects nature and our environment.

We believe in positivity and in possibilities, not in restricting or harming life.

Interested in how
we can make your brand

Why not catch up?
We’d love to get to know you better.

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